Prepare a Traffic model

Before you can use your model in the traffic system you will need to set the wheel base for each model. To use traffic lights in the traffic simulation you will need to set these lights for your model.

Wheel base


Viewport => Sidepanel => Crowd => Traffic


With this property you can set the wheel base for this model. The wheel base is used for several calculations like distance calculations and trailers. With an incorrect wheel-base the wheels will be slipping sideways when making a turn.

Traffic Lights


Viewport => Sidepanel => Crowd => Traffic => Traffic Signal


To enable the usage of traffic lights in the traffic simulation, the traffic light animations should be configured for the model.

Turning signal left

  • Material: Select the material for the left turning signal.

  • Signal: Select the material animation for the left turning signal.

Turning signal right

  • Material: Select the material for the right turning signal.

  • Signal: Select the material animation for the right turning signal.

Brake signal

  • Material: Select the material for the brake signal.

  • Signal: Select the material animation for the brake signal.

After key-framing material animations and configuring the traffic lights, you would want to unlink the actions from the material so they don’t start playing at the beginning of a simulation. See Reset Shader Animation how to do that.